by Susan | Aug 21, 2019 | Caregiving, Communications, Medical, Relationships
Have you ever tried to find a full-service gas station? They are virtually non-existent. The last time I rented a car it had gone to more of a self-service than I’d ever seen and I’m sure it’s even more so now. Customer service has been declining gradually for years....
by Susan | Aug 15, 2019 | Awareness, Caregiving, Communications, EGC, Gestalt, Horses, Medical, Relationships
Do you ever get mired in muck? Last night as I sat down to write this, I was listening to a storm raging outside. I had rushed out to feed before it hit – I didn’t quite make it. We’ve had storms three out of the last four nights and I’m tired of my dry lots being...
by Susan | Aug 7, 2019 | Awareness, Caregiving, Communications, EGC, Gestalt, Horses, Medical, Relationships
For doctors, caregivers, and patients connection and communications can lead to synergistic healing for everyone. Caregivers, whether family members or trained professionals, tend to give their all. Let the horses help you find more balance in your life.To find out...
by Susan | May 23, 2019 | Awareness, Communications
Recently I was having some resistance to doing something. About a week after I had reluctantly done it, I figured out why. I was feeling shame. Not that I was feeling shame about doing it but feeling shamed into doing it. I consciously did not want to do it but felt...
by Susan | May 15, 2019 | Caregiving, Communications, EGC, Horses, Medical, Relationships
I’m so done with high school. Fortunately, that part of my life is complete. I was done when I graduated and now, I have all my children graduated. I suppose it’s the same everywhere, but it feels unique to a small town. If you don’t fit in it can be difficult. John...
by Susan | May 1, 2019 | Awareness, Communications, EGC, Horses
Watching Dalila play with Hans (my older Dachshund) and Ithaca (the cat/kitten) I’m reminded about setting boundaries. Hans is very clear when Dalila chews on his tail or his ears that he wants none of that. Or if she tries to eat his food. Dalila pounces on Ithaca...