
Starting Treatment

I had seen the oncologist in Hays twice. Once before the second surgery and once almost three weeks after it when I still had the drain. The drain was taken out on February 8 and my first chemo treatment was set for February 14. It seems like all the major events have...

More Complications and Pathology

Follow-up for this surgery was two weeks after so I had about a week at home after Mike’s hospital stay. I was sure that the doctor would not be removing the drain since they had told me that I had to be down to less than 30 mls before it could come out. Again, I saw...

The Hospital Stay – Mike’s

The nurses couldn’t believe that I’d had surgery only the day before when he was admitted. Admittedly I didn’t ever have much pain. Or maybe I just don’t feel it. Normally I like to be at the hospital when the doctors make rounds, but I knew this surgeon usually did...

Back To Lawrence

The surgeon contacted the social worker to see what they could do to get us back to Lawrence safely. Our son went to work at 4:00 pm and we didn’t know what time we’d be done at the main hospital. Mike drove us from the surgical hospital to the main hospital where he...

A Second Surgery

​ We were on our way to Kansas City. I was to have surgery on Thursday, January 11 and Mike was to have an EGD with dilation on Friday, January 12 then we would drive home. We got to Lawrence without any problems and had dinner with Roderick and his girlfriend....

Why Can’t Anything Be Easy

​ For the last four holiday seasons, I’ve felt grateful for my family because of Mike’s health. This season was a little different because of mine. Don’t worry I’ll get through this, it may not be as easy as we thought but I’ll survive. I was very worried about Mike...