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Why are horses special?

Iā€™d say in the last two-and-a-half years the horses have saved me. Because I feed them twice a day, I have a compelling reason to get out of bed in the morning when sometimes I would not have. The horses have always been there for me.

After Mike died, I could have been lost in depression. After my dad died, I could have been lost in depression. During stay-at-home orders, I could have slipped into depression. Through it all, I went out twice a day to feed my horses. To let their energy wash over me. To help me cope with situations I might not have been able to handle without them.

They encourage us to speak our truths whether we want to or not. They pull negative energy from us and release it. They create passion and excitement in those who allow it.

I was recently reminded of a story I heard from another Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ practitioner about a teenager who was trying to engage with a horse. The horse was rejecting him. The coach asked if this felt familiar. He said yes, when his dad would try to hug him, and he rejected his dad. After exploring that and shedding some tears the horse let him approach him and accepted his love. They know how to get those messages across.

As Iā€™m writing this, we are having the coldest few weeks of the year here. This morning I would have much rather crawled back into bed than to have gotten dressed and gone out to feed. When I got there, they were standing outside eating hay. They all had snow covering their backs. They do have shelter ā€“ they chose to be out in the weather. They are designed for those extremes.

As I sit here in the warmth of my house, Iā€™m reminded how I would seek solace in the horses as I was growing up. Whenever I was in pain over something that had happened, I would go to the horses. Whenever I had something to celebrate, I would go to the horses. They are like a warm blanket we can pull over ourselves to ease that pain. So, we donā€™t break under the pressure.

Many times, long before I discovered the EGC Method I would go to the barn and feel that all was right with the world. They are and have been my emotional guardians my whole life.

They are also magical. They can feel your presence from a distance. They can feel your emotions. You canā€™t hide from them.

Because horses are prey animals they must be in the present moment. They are in tune with their surroundings. This is what makes them great Gestalt coaches.

You may think that when they stepped on your foot was an accident. It was probably a message. They were trying to make you aware of something.

Connect with me here if youā€™d like to experience the magic of the horses for yourself.

Someday we’ll live like horses
Free rein from your old iron fences
There’s more ways than one
To regain your senses
Break out the stalls
And we’ll live like horses

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Susan is a lifelong horsewoman, a Master Equine Gestaltist, an Equine Assisted PlayShop facilitator, a breast cancer survivor, a reluctant caregiver, a photographer, and a metal artist. She has a BA in Communications and works with doctors, caregivers, and patients through the Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodĀ®.