What Do You Have To Show You The Way?

Do you ever take leaps of faith? Make a bold move that can make or break you. Tomorrow (yesterday by the time you read this) I am. Tomorrow most of the land that Mike farmed/ranched is up for auction along with a property that is across the street from what was my...

Traveling and How Gestalt Has Helped Me

I spent last week at the Cottonwood Ranch about a two-hour drive north of Wells, NV at a photography workshop. I struggled with whether to drive or fly. Itā€™s about three and a half hours to Denver International Airport and about four and a half from Salt Lake Airport...

What Do Gestalt and Photography Have In Common?

Photography has been a passion of mine since I was a girl. I always remember having a camera and taking snapshots. The summer before my freshman year in high school I was going to Japan and my dad bought me my first SLR camera to take with me. That led to my first job...